EPAM + Google Cloud Cortex Framework
We Use Cortex to Help Our Clients Optimize Digital Advertising Investments
Global advertising investment is set to hit $1T in 2024. The digital share of that number is predicted to be 69%, increasing to 85% by 2029. This shift means digital advertising is facing huge disruption, so measuring where to invest is now more crucial than ever to making the right decisions that drive business outcomes for your brand.
EPAM’s mission: to help customers connect sales and marketing data sources to deliver insights that enable better business outcomes. What does that mean? We empower marketing leaders to understand and optimize their media investments. We do this by providing access to the right data, making data actionable, unlocking insights from data and surfacing key performance indicators (KPIs) the business buys into.
Introducing Google Cloud Cortex Framework
Cortex Framework provides a foundation and rich set of solution building blocks for enterprises looking to discover a faster, smarter way to innovate. The platform is powered by Google Cloud BigQuery, Cloud Composer, Dataflow, Looker and Python SQL. Cortex brings fresh insights to light faster, made possible when all your data is collected, connected and ready for analysis on a data foundation built for scale.
EPAM is a strategic partner of Google Cloud Cortex Framework. We offer strategic consulting and engineering services to uncover your best use cases for Cortex Framework. We also help you create a customized data foundation that can drive critical business insights to improve outcomes.
Scale to Innovate
Scalable and extensible data platform to support new enterprise use-cases
Pre-delivered Accelerators
BigQuery, AI models, and Looker examples to kickstart your journey, quickly
Easy Connectivity
Packaged connector and data pipelines to simplify integration
Flexible Interoperability
Data sharing templates for easy interoperability
Cortex Use Cases
Audience Engagement Analysis
Audience Engagement Analysis
Learn how your audience engages with different media sources, what resonates with them and how that informs your future planning.
Cross-Market Media Dashboard
Cross-Market Media Dashboard
Get a clear view of your cross-market media activation in prebuilt dashboards that highlight performance insights with critical media KPIs, including impressions, views and engagement. Get all associated cost metrics broken down as granularly as possible to decode performance.
Creative and Consumer Insights
Creative and Consumer Insights
Learn what creative combinations resonate with your target consumer. Unlock insights that can deepen understanding of your consumer.
Data-Driven Business Decisions
Data-Driven Business Decisions
Learn how to interpret and extract insights from disparate data sources to improve business outcomes.
Key Benefits