Embracing the Power of Data for Good
Driving Sustainable Impact for JDE Peet's

At a glance
- Microsoft
- Databricks
- Agile Ways of Working
- Data and Analytics
JDE Peet's is more than just a coffee and tea company. It’s an organization deeply committed to creating a better future and a better planet – from earth to bean and from bean to cup. When JDE Peet's approached EPAM back in 2021, the company had a vision: enable the entire business to drive its sustainability agenda through the power of data.
Customer demands and regulations are fueling the need for change.
Today, customers expect the brands they buy from to be invested in environment, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. As younger generations, who are even more committed to sustainability, make more purchasing decisions, companies need to have a clear focus on ESG. Additionally, new regulations and initiatives — like the European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards, among others — have steered the sustainability agenda of many companies.
With a global supply chain reaching over 100 markets, JDE Peet's has made it its purpose to unleash the possibilities of coffee and tea to create a better future. One of the company’s sustainability goals is to advance its climate ambition towards a 1.5°C target, which is aligned with its net-zero goal for 2050. To help achieve net-zero, JDE Peet's started on a path with EPAM to calculate and reduce carbon emissions by leveraging data analytics.

Sustainability must be embedded across the enterprise.
JDE Peet's wanted to embed sustainable non-financial targets into business decisions to ensure these commitments were kept top of mind. To do so, the company needed an organization-wide platform for sustainability where data is collected and harmonized, reporting is automated and analytical dashboards are available. This meant establishing a central ESG data hub for sustainability commitments that connect the siloed business operation to the value chain with sustainability data.
EPAM and JDE Peet's created a roadmap for impact management to help achieve its carbon reduction goals. As a first step and near-term win, the teams focused on developing a carbon accounting tool, which would serve as the foundation to embedding sustainability targets into business decision making.
Embrace agile ways
of working.
To help JDE Peet's embed sustainability across the organization, EPAM needed to dig into the organizational silos that were making it difficult to reach this goal. Our consultants and data scientists talked to various business units of the value chain (from sourcing and logistics to procurement and R&D). During this process, we determined that JDE Peet's needed to rethink the ways in which the teams were working together to collectively reach the company’s sustainability goals.
We created workshops to help facilitate discussion around ‘what good looks like’ not just from a sustainability perspective but also in the ways the teams collaborated. From these workshops, teams were educated on agile ways of working, or cross-functional, self-organizing entities that can define, build and test the sustainable features or data products. By applying basic principles and agile best practices, the team can create value every two weeks. Additionally, the business units were able to define their requirements for data management analytics to gain transparency and be more equipped to manage sustainability goals.
As EPAM’s data analytics and consulting teams heard from JDE Peet's about its sustainability goals, we leveraged one of our key methodologies – backcasting — to help bring this vision to life. Starting with the ideal future state, we worked backwards to current state and what products and platforms should be developed to help get to that vision. Through this exercise, we determined that a near-term win would be adding carbon accounting as an integrated monitoring KPI in 2023. Carbon accounting is the beginning of the journey for JDE Peet's to move to activity-based reporting, which would include sustainability commitments tracking.
The first step
towards the future.
To embed sustainable non-financial targets into business decisions, EPAM's data scientists and engineers needed to ensure the right data was being ingested into JDE Peet's Azure Data Lake. Additionally, the data needed to be modelled effectively to power analytics dashboards using Azure Synapse Analytics that allow both higher level and granular analysis on sustainability goals. To do this, the team created company-wide carbon accounting on a SKU level, allowing carbon footprint analytics at every angle (product category, region, sales unit, etc.). High-level data is allocated down to a SKU based on sales quantities of finished goods – meaning product-specific carbon emissions calculated per single SKU sold.
An example of this type of data source could be the green coffee data about the country of origin or weights in finished products.
Then, we calculate from highly granular data up to a SKU based on sales quantities of finished goods – meaning overhead carbon emissions calculated on emission category level and then proportionally allocated to all SKUs sold. An example here would be packaging data from product specifications about composition of materials and weights.
With carbon accounting in place, JDE Peet's can begin leveraging margin financial and non-financial metrics to evaluate business performance.
“EPAM’s consultancy, high level of engagement with rapid reaction time and knowledge of JDE Peet's business processes have been instrumental in delivering this solution to further our transformation journey into sustainable business. Connecting our data and analytics agenda with JDE Peet's purpose proved to be a strong use case of how data can be powerful and can steer change.”
Agnieszka Kubiak
Global Sustainability Data & Technology Manager, JDE Peet's

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