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Designing a Next-Generation Financial Trading Device 

Advancing technology and user experience for IPC Systems

At a glance


IPC Systems


  • Platform & Product Development
  • CX Strategy & Design
  • Made Real Lab


  • Financial Services

IPC Systems, a FinTech company focused on providing connectivity, security and flexible trading solutions, asked EPAM Continuum to help reimagine its flagship product, a device for traders, financial firms and top-tier banks. In just 18 months, we delivered a modernized device that can run more advanced software, while providing the seamless user experience traders demand.


Honoring Tradition With an Eye to the Future

Traders have exacting demands for the devices, also known as turrets, that they rely upon to do their job. The device is their connection to the world they must navigate, most often at warp speed, to execute trades with precision.

IPC Systems, a provider of secure, compliant communications and multi-cloud connectivity solutions for global financial markets, has been making these devices for more than 50 years — from a time when they looked more like phones than computers. During that span, the company has experienced vast expansion globally, growing to serve a community of over 200,000 users in 60+ countries.

As the finance industry races toward an ever more digital future, IPC seized the perfect opportunity to create a transformative device. The trick was to marry some of the traditional features traders require (most still connect a traditional phone handset) with the speed and modern look that make for an unparalleled user experience.


a Tool for Tomorrow

EPAM Continuum's designers and engineers set to work. We considered the materials that would give the device a more premium look, while increasing its ability to meet customers' evolving requirements and to optimize deployment flexibility and manufacturability. Disruption is everywhere, so we designed the device for maximum adaptability to both meet the needs of today and anticipate tomorrow’s digital landscape.

Using our Made Real Lab, our design and mechanical support encompassed:

Material selection and force testing for the required durability
Thermal testing and management to optimize fan speed and vent shapes for high-powered computing
Acoustic analysis to ensure an optimized shape and custom fan gaskets and ventilation to minimize background noise
15 sets of functional prototypes using 3D printing and our electronics lab, including speakers, fan vent testing jigs and even urethane molds.
designing next generation financial trading device

Making it Real

The result is the revolutionary OneView Portfolio, featuring the Device and Workspace. Representing the pinnacle of trading technology, it enables seamless integration of voice with third-party applications and enterprise workflows, setting a new standard in the industry. It can securely run higher quality in-house software, integrate with third-party software (like OpenFin) and provide a signature spatial audio experience.

With increased connectivity, it combines the best in communications and open architecture, enabling the integration of existing and new workflows.

Making it Real

The result is the revolutionary OneView Portfolio, featuring the Device and Workspace. Representing the pinnacle of trading technology, it enables seamless integration of voice with third-party applications and enterprise workflows, setting a new standard in the industry. It can securely run higher quality in-house software, integrate with third-party software (like OpenFin) and provide a signature spatial audio experience.

With increased connectivity, it combines the best in communications and open architecture, enabling the integration of existing and new workflows.


  • 5 months
  • To create first functional prototype
  • 18 months
  • To deliver first manufactured devices
  • 45%
  • Increase in LCD touchscreen size with a marginal increase in housing


"Our collaboration with EPAM has reshaped the financial trading paradigm. By harmonizing advanced technologies with unmatched user experience, we've developed a next-generation trading device."

Tim Carmody
CTO, IPC Systems


Building the Future of Finance

When IPC Systems launched five decades ago, it was a telecommunications company. Now it’s a FinTech leader, innovating from a hardware-enabled ecosystem to a software-enabled future. This device is part of that bridge — empowering better connectivity and state-of-the-art communication and collaboration. And it’s future-ready, with the flexibility and adaptability to leverage the next digital changes.

It required a true partnership to design and manufacture a device that showed modern style from a 360-degree view, while simultaneously handling more data and more complex software.

We delivered the first functional prototype in five months, and the first devices were manufactured just 18 months after we started design work. From idea to real product, we supported IPC through the entire design and manufacturing process, including first production runs and inspection. 

Careful engineering means the LCD touchscreen is 45 percent larger with only a marginal increase in the surrounding housing — with vastly improved functionality. The final product, which integrates video and accessory speakers, allows traders to view vital information at a glance, effortlessly navigate through applications and enjoy a signature spatial audio experience so they can execute trades with confidence.

Discover more features of OneView Portfolio

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