For every luxury fashion brand, staying ahead of digital trends requires having complete control of the back-end systems.
Creating a Digital
Future with More
Freedom for Burberry

Burberry has always been at the forefront of digital innovation and has built their digital ecosystem to reflect this approach. The content management system (CMS), Search & Merchandising function and digital asset management (DAM) were created to ensure an enhanced customer experience and best-in-class data management.
Burberry required a system free from constraints, making it quicker and easier to test and implement new, creative ideas. As part of the upgrade, the company partnered with EPAM and found the MACH architectural approach to be a great solution. EPAM has been supporting and developing Burberry’s current eCommerce platform since 2014, which made us the natural partner for this new MACH journey.
Migrating without Compromising Customer Experience
Burberry wanted to enhance the technology it employed and the customer experience it delivered. The company wanted to improve time-to-market for its digital innovations and give the teams more flexibility to be creative. Agile, composable and hosted in the cloud, MACH gave Burberry access to best-in-class technology, enabling Burberry to choose and implement features quickly and simply.
Migrating technology platforms can present challenges; however, MACH balances the customer needs with the demands of the technology being replaced. Burberry has a strong foundation of engineering capabilities with agile ways of working, enabling their team to explore different products in a test-and-learn environment.
With six years of working together, our teams collaborated closely to resolve any challenges that appeared while in the design stages.

Making the Right Choices
For Burberry, sequencing and microservices vendor selection were especially important. The correct sequencing would determine what needed to happen first to achieve early outcomes and deliver a return on investment. The right vendor selection ensured a united view of the solution from day one and locked in a truly cross-functional approach. To identify the best fit among MACH-enabled platforms, EPAM facilitated a shortlisting and selection process, working closely with Burberry to set evaluation parameters.
Teaming Up to Boost Productivity
The EPAM and Burberry team took the first step toward MACH by abstracting the user experience into a headless front end, implementing “Browse & Select” and “Checkout” project streams. This was followed with two additional streams: “Home Page and Landing Page” and “My Account.”
Search & Merchandising was prioritized because it would be impactful to Burberry’s customers and teams, but it didn’t require complex engineering to re-platform. This sequencing decision saw the new tools—and the experiences they delivered—eagerly adopted and appreciated by internal users and customers.
EPAM and Burberry selected one of the leading microservice-based cloud-native SaaS platforms to drive our key commerce and transactional capabilities of the backend solution. The team also developed further services using CMS and replaced Burberry’s DAM platform. The new CMS and DAM solutions have enabled the business to reduce the time it takes to make changes.
Freedom for the Future
Adopting a MACH approach is a complex journey, and Burberry continues to operate across several different systems, balancing the needs of the business to offer an unmatched user experience while moving to a new era of MACH-led freedom. EPAM continues to support this evolution.
Ready to jumpstart your MACH journey?