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Talent in the Age of Generative AI

Talent in the Age of Generative AI

What does generative AI mean for the talent ecosystem? This is the question Sandra Loughlin, EPAM's Chief Learning Scientist, and Alexandra Diening, our Head of Research & Insights for EMEA, kicked around recently on our Silo Busting podcast. Loughlin talked about approaching the subject from the perspective of her clients, as a consultant and as a learning scientist. Diening acknowledged the hype surrounding generative AI but highlighted ChatGPT's tangible value. She also noted the importance of people, as filters and editors, here. Loughlin and Diening both expressed concern about polluted data sets feeding generative AI and creating echo chambers for misinformation. Ultimately, Loughlin believes that ChatGPT will optimize consultants' work and create more value for customers. Tune in. Their dialogue is sure to generate much interest on your part! 


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