Silo Busting 69: Neatsun Ziv and Sam Rehman on the Balanced Approach to Risk Management
Neatsun Ziv, Co-Founder and CEO of OX Security and Sam Rehman, EPAM’s CISO and SVP, both want organizations to learn to prioritize their cybersecurity activities. In the latest #CybersecurityByDesign conversation, Ziv contends that the great majority of code fixes—95% of them—that organizations make have “zero risk impact.” “That is an insane amount of money that the organization should have spent creating a bigger gap between them and the competitors,” says Ziv. They need to be moved along the maturity curve, he adds, identify what’s critical to them and take an ultimately balanced approach to cyber. Ziv says he aims to help clients focus on the “5% [of efforts] that would actually make a difference in the first year or the second year.”