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Future-Proofing Your Tech Career: How to Stay Competitive in 2024

Future-Proofing Your Tech Career: How to Stay Competitive in 2024

In the midst of massive layoffs that hit the industry in 2022 and 2023, tech professionals worldwide are facing challenges in securing jobs. Despite the uncertain job market, specific strategies can help you navigate these challenging times.  

One pivotal approach is to reevaluate and expand your skillset, adopting a T-shaped mindset that goes beyond excelling in just one area.  

In the evolving tech landscape, top tech professionals are no longer evaluated by their primary skills; secondary skills, frameworks, business domain knowledge and soft skills are crucial to becoming a more versatile candidate.  

What does this mean for you?  

Be prepared to commit to continuous learning and adjust to the next emerging trend. You will weather the storm of layoffs and emerge as a sought-after candidate in the competitive tech landscape.  

EPAM Spain offers endless opportunities for growth and development, which are supported by and aligned with local leaders and valued by our employees.   

In 2023, 86 percent of employees actively participated in various learning activities. Each EPAMer dedicated an impressive 42 hours to learning, which is far above the benchmark of 20.7 according to the 2023 State of The Industry Report by the Association for Talent Development (ATD) and showcases our commitment to cultivating a culture of continuous learning. This is why EPAM has been recognized as the #2 Top Company in Spain on LinkedIn’s 2023 Top Companies List for professional development in Spain.  

Are you looking to advance your tech career? Learn how in this interview with Faustyna Wachalska, Talent Development Specialist at EPAM Spain. 

“Continuous learning is not just a professional development strategy for tech individuals; it is a fundamental requirement for success in the dynamic and ever-changing field of technology.” 

Faustyna Wachalska
Talent Development Specialist at
EPAM Spain

What aspects should I focus on in my career? How do EPAMers ‘level up?’ 

At EPAM, we focus on four key learning and development streams: engineering development, leadership development, soft skills and language skills.  

1. Our core lies in strong technical expertise, so we have a tailored engineering development portfolio. It ranges from programs and courses that help our engineers develop core technical skills (e.g., Cloud, Data, .NET or Business Analysis) to solutions that help them master more advanced technologies (Solution Architecture, Quality Architecture, Advanced Technology or Technology Consulting, among others).  

We also offer certification preparation in various technologies (AWS, GCP and Microsoft Azure) or agile methodologies (Agile, Scrum) and continuously expand our portfolio with new solutions for high-demand technologies. For example, in 2023, we launched a highly anticipated Artificial Intelligence program. 

“Mentoring programs boosted my confidence in handling DevOps an test automation tools. Plus, my ability to craft efficient tests has significantly improved.” 

Uladzislau Trus
Software Engineer in Test
at EPAM Spain

2. At the same time, our engineers can hone their soft skills through a diverse range of courses, which are designed to enhance their overall performance and effectiveness, equip them with the skills needed to communicate efficiently and build rapport with colleagues and clients, navigate the cross-cultural environment, understand different perspectives and experiences, or support their well-being.    

3. Regarding leadership development options, we actively support our employees who aspire to take the managerial path or have already embarked on this journey. We provide the necessary skills and tools to help our growing leaders so they can lead effectively and confidently. The diversity of formats allows our busy professionals to select the most suitable learning paths for them, including opportunities like individual sessions with certified coaches to develop personal career goals.

“Leadership training has fine-tuned my skills paving the way for my progression from a Senior Systems Engineer to leading a team of 100 people.”

Volker Kerkhoff
Systems Engineering Manager
at EPAM Spain

4. As EPAM operates globally and across multicultural teams, our in-house language learning solutions focus on formal education to help employees improve their language skills and better support business needs and community initiatives. For instance, our EPAMers in the Málaga office have recently adopted a practice of meeting with colleagues to practice Spanish over coffee and snacks. 

EPAM's Learning and Development initiatives have been globally recognized and awarded by prestigious institutions like ATD Best Awards, LinkedIn Talent Awards, Brandon Hall Group Awards and the Chief Learning Officer Learning Elite Award. This validates the quality and excellence of our resources and makes EPAM an attractive place for top talent. 

How can I start my learning journey?

“The key is to make thoughtful choices tailored to your style and objectives. Focus on what’s necessary and build your learning plan around a specific career development plan.” 

Maryna Kovalova
Project Manager at
EPAM Spain

At EPAM, we put employees into the driver's seat of their learning journey. 

As part of the ecosystem, each employee has access to their career map, where our data science model, based on their profile, generates suggestions on skills and offers actionable recommendations to develop them. 

Tools like the Career Development Plan (CDP) create space for employees’ self-reflection and goal-setting and recommend learning opportunities to advance their careers. In this journey, EPAM Line Managers are reliable “co-pilots” who play a significant role in employee development. The managers can offer invaluable guidance thanks to their deep-rooted experience combined with a full understanding of employees’ unique skills, personal goals and learning styles.

“My transformation from Team Leader to Delivery Manager was fueled by personalized learning resources and strong support from my line managers.” 

Maksym Skliar
Delivery Manager
at EPAM Spain

Overall, you should begin your learning journey with a clear plan in place, aligned with your objectives, skills and learning style. Use the insights and guidance provided by your manager to chart a clear path ahead. Remember that the goal of learning is not just to acquire new knowledge or skills but apply those in your professional journey. Finally, it’s important to ensure that your learning choices align closely with your career aspirations and roles.

What opportunities are available for non-EPAMers?

There are plenty of opportunities for non-EPAMers: we very much encourage anyone willing to get a taste of our culture and rich learning environment by exploring the below platforms: 

  • We are Community – An independent platform for real engineering communities where you can connect with EPAM engineers and join EPAM-hosted events by our tech experts.
  • EPAM Training Platform – A professional training platform that allows you to find opportunities to shape a learning journey according to your level, needs and goals. 
  • Learn Platform – The EPAM education marketplace offering a variety of solutions in technology, leadership, language skills, industry domain and others.  

Continuous learning is not just a professional development strategy for tech individuals; it is a fundamental requirement for success in the dynamic and ever-changing field of technology. Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning ensures that tech professionals are well-prepared to face challenges, contribute meaningfully to their organizations and thrive in their careers.

Are you ready to advance your tech career with EPAM Spain? Visit and explore our job opportunities.