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EPAM Named a Top IT Vendor in the Netherlands by Whitelane Research

Press Release

EPAM Named a Top IT Vendor in the Netherlands by Whitelane Research

With impressive client ratings in application services, service delivery quality and account management quality, EPAM stands out as a top IT service provider in the Netherlands market

NEWTOWN, PA, USA, and AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, March 13, 2025 – EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), a leading digital transformation services and product engineering company, today announced it has been named a 2025 Top IT Vendor in the Netherlands by Whitelane Research, an independent organization focused on IT sourcing research across Europe. Recognized for the third consecutive year, this designation further confirms EPAM's position as a premier IT service provider in the region. EPAM earned “exceptional performer” status for application services, while maintaining excellent ratings for service delivery and account management quality and ranked in the top three overall in general client satisfaction.

“We are proud to be recognized once again by our clients as a Top IT Vendor in the Netherlands,” said Sasha Astapenka, VP, Country Head at EPAM Netherlands. “This achievement reflects our dedication to providing transformative, client-first solutions and solidifies our commitment to building trust, empowering businesses to expertly orchestrate complexity and continually innovate in today’s dynamic digital landscape. We’re thrilled to be expanding and deepening our client relationships in the region as a partner of choice to drive meaningful impact and elevate business goals.”

In Whitelane Research’s 2025 annual Dutch IT Sourcing Study, close to 300 participants from the top IT spending organizations evaluated more than 650 unique IT sourcing relationships based on key performance indicators and by IT domain, delivering one of the most representative client-driven reports on the outsourcing market in the Netherlands.

Survey respondents evaluated 38 IT service providers across various performance categories, with EPAM achieving an exceptional performer ranking in application services and overall excellent ratings in the following categories:

  • Service Delivery Quality: EPAM received an above average rating of 85%
  • General Satisfaction: EPAM received an above average rating of 83% (Ranked #3)
  • Application Services: EPAM received an exceptional performer rating of 83%
  • Account Management Quality: EPAM received an above average rating of 83%

“EPAM has again received excellent client evaluations in our 2025 Dutch IT Sourcing Study, and is a top three company in the Netherlands,” said Alex van den Bergh, Head of Research, Europe at Whitelane Research. “Maintaining exceptional client-satisfaction ratings is a testament to the Company’s strong position as a trusted partner for businesses navigating digital transformation in this highly competitive market.”

Keeping people at the epicenter of every transformation, EPAM enables organizations in the Netherlands, and globally, to modernize at scale, achieve meaningful and sustained outcomes, and create resilient and adaptive enterprises. This recognition by Whitelane Research adds to EPAM’s continued performance as a proven IT vendor across various European markets, including Europe, Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Nordics and the Netherlands 2024.

To see the full survey results, visit:

About EPAM Systems

Since 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) has used its software engineering expertise to become a leading global provider of digital engineering, cloud and AI-enabled transformation services, and a leading business and experience consulting partner for global enterprises and ambitious startups. We address our clients’ transformation challenges by fusing EPAM Continuum’s integrated strategy, experience and technology consulting with our 30+ years of engineering execution to speed our clients’ time to market and drive greater value from their innovations and digital investments.

We leverage AI and GenAI to deliver transformative solutions that accelerate our clients’ digital innovation and enhance their competitive edge. Through platforms like EPAM AI/RUN™ and initiatives like DIALX Lab, we integrate advanced AI technologies into tailored business strategies, driving significant industry impact and fostering continuous innovation.

We deliver globally, but engage locally with our expert teams of consultants, architects, designers and engineers, making the future real for our clients, our partners and our people around the world.

We believe the right solutions are the ones that improve people’s lives and fuel competitive advantage for our clients across diverse industries. Our thinking comes to life in the experiences, products and platforms we design and bring to market.

Added to the S&P 500 and the Forbes Global 2000 in 2021 and recognized by Glassdoor and Newsweek as Most Loved Workplace, our multidisciplinary teams serve customers across six continents. We are proud to be among the top 15 companies in Information Technology Services in the Fortune 1000 and to be recognized as a leader in the IDC MarketScapes for Worldwide Experience Build Services, Worldwide Experience Design Services and Worldwide Software Engineering Services.

Learn more at and follow us on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes estimates and statements which may constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the accuracy of which are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. Our estimates and forward-looking statements are mainly based on our current expectations and estimates of future events and trends, which affect or may affect our business and operations. These statements may include words such as "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions. Those future events and trends may relate to, among other things, developments relating to the war in Ukraine and escalation of the war in the surrounding region, political and civil unrest or military action in the geographies where we conduct business and operate, difficult conditions in global capital markets, foreign exchange markets and the broader economy, and the effect that these events may have on customer demand and our revenues, operations, access to capital, and profitability. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied include general economic conditions, the risk factors discussed in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and the factors discussed in the Company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, particularly under the headings "Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Risk Factors" and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although we believe that these estimates and forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they are subject to several risks and uncertainties and are made based on information currently available to us. EPAM undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities law.

EPAM benoemd tot toonaangevende IT-leverancier in Nederland door Whitelane Research

Met uitstekende klantbeoordelingen op het gebied van applicatiediensten, servicekwaliteit en accountmanagement onderscheidt EPAM zich als toonaangevende IT-dienstverlener op de Nederlandse markt.

AMSTERDAM, NEDERLAND, 13 maart 2025EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM), een wereldwijde leider in digitale transformatie en productontwikkeling, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het in de 2025 Dutch IT Sourcing Study van Whitelane Research is uitgeroepen tot een van de beste IT-leveranciers in Nederland. Whitelane Research is een onafhankelijke onderzoeksorganisatie die IT-sourcing in Europa analyseert. Dit is het derde jaar op rij dat EPAM deze erkenning ontvangt, wat opnieuw bevestigt dat het bedrijf een toonaangevende speler in de regio is. EPAM behaalde de status van ‘exceptional performer’ in applicatiediensten, scoorde uitstekend op servicekwaliteit en accountmanagement, en werd gerangschikt in de top drie voor algemene klanttevredenheid.

“We zijn er trots op dat klanten ons opnieuw hebben erkend als een toonaangevende IT-leverancier in Nederland,” zegt Sasha Astapenka, VP en Country Head bij EPAM Nederland. “Het illustreert onze toewijding aan het leveren van uitstekende transformatieve en klantgerichte oplossingen. Het bevestigt ook onze inzet om vertrouwen op te bouwen, bedrijven in staat te stellen toenemende complexiteit te managen, en voortdurend te innoveren in het dynamische digitale landschap van vandaag. We zijn trots dat we onze klantrelaties in de regio verder uitbreiden en verdiepen. We willen een voorkeurspartner zijn voor het realiseren van impactvolle bedrijfsdoelstellingen.”

In de 2025-editie van de jaarlijkse Dutch IT Sourcing Study van Whitelane Research beoordeelden bijna 300 deelnemers de IT-uitgaven en meer dan 650 unieke IT-sourcingrelaties. Dit gebeurde op basis van belangrijke prestatie-indicatoren en IT-domeinen. Het onderzoek biedt een van de meest representatieve en klantgerichte analyses van de IT-outsourcingmarkt in Nederland.

In totaal werden 38 IT-dienstverleners geëvalueerd op verschillende prestatiecategorieën. EPAM behaalde de status van ‘exceptional performer’ in applicatiediensten en ontving uitstekende beoordelingen in de volgende categorieën:

  • Servicekwaliteit: EPAM behaalde een bovengemiddelde score van 85%
  • Algemene klanttevredenheid: EPAM behaalde een bovengemiddelde score van 83% (3de plaats)
  • Application services: EPAM behaalde een ‘exceptional performer’ score van 83%
  • Accountmanagementkwaliteit: EPAM behaalde een bovengemiddelde score van 83%

“EPAM heeft opnieuw uitstekende klantbeoordelingen ontvangen in onze 2025 Dutch IT Sourcing Study en behoort tot de top drie IT-dienstverleners in Nederland,” aldus Alex van den Bergh, Head of Research, Europe bij Whitelane Research. “Het behouden van uitzonderlijke klanttevredenheidscijfers bevestigt de sterke positie van het bedrijf als vertrouwde partner voor organisaties die digitale transformatie doormaken in deze concurrerende markt.”

Met de mens als kern van elke transformatie stelt EPAM organisaties in Nederland en wereldwijd in staat om op schaal te moderniseren, betekenisvolle en blijvende resultaten te behalen, en veerkrachtige, adaptieve ondernemingen te creëren. Deze erkenning door Whitelane Research bevestigt opnieuw de sterke positie van EPAM als bewezen IT-leverancier in diverse Europese markten, waaronder Duitsland, Zwitserland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, de Nordics en Nederland in 2024.

Voor de volledige onderzoeksresultaten, bezoek:

Over EPAM Systems

Sinds 1993 heeft EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) zijn expertise op het gebied van software engineering gebruikt om een toonaangevende wereldwijde leverancier van digital engineering, cloud en AI-gebaseerde transformatiediensten te worden, en een toonaangevende business- en experience consultingpartner voor wereldwijde ondernemingen en ambitieuze startups. We pakken de transformatie-uitdagingen van onze klanten aan door EPAM Continuum's geïntegreerde strategie-, ervarings- en technologieconsulting te combineren met onze meer dan 30 jaar ervaring in engineering om de time-to-market van onze klanten te versnellen en meer waarde te halen uit hun innovaties en digitale investeringen.

Wij benutten AI en generatieve AI om vernieuwende oplossingen te leveren die de digitale innovatie van onze klanten versnellen en hun concurrentiepositie versterken. Met platforms zoals EPAM AI/RUN™ en initiatieven zoals DIALX Lab integreren we geavanceerde AI-technologieën in op maat gemaakte bedrijfsstrategieën, waardoor we substantiële impact creëren binnen de sector en continue innovatie stimuleren.

We leveren wereldwijd, maar werken lokaal met onze deskundige teams van consultants, architecten, ontwerpers en ingenieurs, waardoor de toekomst werkelijkheid wordt voor onze klanten, onze partners en onze mensen overal ter wereld. Wij geloven dat de juiste oplossingen het leven van mensen verbeteren en concurrentievoordeel opleveren voor onze klanten in verschillende sectoren. Onze denkwijze komt tot leven in de ervaringen, producten en platforms die we ontwerpen en op de markt brengen.

Toegevoegd aan de S&P 500 en de Forbes Global 2000 in 2021 en erkend door Glassdoor en Newsweek als Most Loved Workplace, bedienen onze multidisciplinaire teams klanten op zes continenten. We zijn er trots op dat we tot de top 15 behoren van bedrijven in Information Technology Services in de Fortune 1000 en dat we worden erkend als leider in de IDC MarketScapes voor Worldwide Experience Build Services, Worldwide Experience Design Services en Worldwide Software Engineering Services.

Ga voor meer informatie naar en volg ons op LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes estimates and statements which may constitute forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the accuracy of which are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. Our estimates and forward-looking statements are mainly based on our current expectations and estimates of future events and trends, which affect or may affect our business and operations. These statements may include words such as "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions. Those future events and trends may relate to, among other things, developments relating to the war in Ukraine and escalation of the war in the surrounding region, political and civil unrest or military action in the geographies where we conduct business and operate, difficult conditions in global capital markets, foreign exchange markets and the broader economy, and the effect that these events may have on customer demand and our revenues, operations, access to capital, and profitability. Other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied include general economic conditions, the risk factors discussed in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and the factors discussed in the Company’s Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, particularly under the headings "Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and "Risk Factors" and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Although we believe that these estimates and forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, they are subject to several risks and uncertainties and are made based on information currently available to us. EPAM undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities law.