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Why Discounts Matter Less to Consumers Than You Think

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The Drum – Alex van Gestel

Why Discounts Matter Less to Consumers Than You Think

Honesty, transparency, and kindness matter more than ever. Discounts are no longer the primary driver behind consumer behavior. In the second stage of EPAM Continuum’s Consumers Unmasked study, we explore which brands stand out and why.

Pandemic instability has changed how we act as consumers, changing the nature of retail as we know it. Amid the Omicron outbreak, we’re looking into how consumer habits are evolving.

Last year, EPAM Continuum launched the first installation of Consumers Unmasked, a year-long study exploring the changing shape of consumer attitudes and behaviors. In our first report, the EPAM Continuum Consumer Council – a pool of 71 millennial and gen Z consumers across the US, the UK and Germany – gave us insights into their buying habits within five markets including food, fashion, travel, fitness, and home.

While the first report of our Consumers Unmasked study was qualitative, the second stage takes a quantitative deep dive. With a survey sample tallying more than 3,000, we can pressure test the findings revealed to us by our council.

To read the article, click here.

To read the full Consumers Unmasked Report, click here.