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Frost & Sullivan Institute Recognizes Companies Committed to ESG and Growth Excellence with Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards, 2022

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Frost & Sullivan Institute

Frost & Sullivan Institute Recognizes Companies Committed to ESG and Growth Excellence with Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards, 2022

Frost & Sullivan Institute in partnership with Frost & Sullivan has announced the second edition of the Enlightened Growth Leadership Best Practices Recognition.  The Institute bestows this prestigious recognition on companies that have demonstrated excellence in growth and have proactively taken initiative, both internally and externally to address key global priorities.

The Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards recognize organizations that are committed to making the world a better place and that are part of the solution to challenges our world faces today.

EPAM is a proud recipient of the 2022 Enlightened Growth Leadership Awards.

To see the full list of recipients of the 2022 Enlighted Growth Leadership Awards, visit:

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