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EPAM Roundup from Money20/20 Event

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Finextra and MSN

EPAM Roundup from Money20/20 Event

Consumer trends changing banking
In this article by Alex Jimenez, Managing Principal, Financial Service Consulting at EPAM, he discusses the three big consumer trends impacting financial services firms. The first one is personalization, providing the right offer to the right customer at the right time. The second trend is embedded finance and finally, digital ubiquity.

Read the full Finextra article here.

The future of central bank digitalized currencies
Alistair Brown, Global Head of Open Banking & Payments, EPAM speaks to FinextraTV at Sibos 2022, providing his views on central bank digitalized currencies and their future in banking.

Read the full Finextra article here.

Crypto, NFTs, and Blockchain Tech: Future Casting These Financial Disruptors
In the world of money, you likely have seen and heard that cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, and other digital assets are the future. But where do these new moneys and digital assets stand in terms of real value?

What the optimists say
“As any asset class, digital assets are at the mercy of the asset market in general. We used to think that crypto would be independent of the greater economy, and therefore would be a good way to hedge against asset losses,” Alex Jimenez, a financial consultant and managing principal of EPAM Systems, a digital business consulting firm, tells Shondaland. “Clearly, that isn’t true. As worldwide markets struggle, ultimately digital assets as a class will grow, and stability will be up to the general market.” He says we are currently seeing the vulnerability of cryptocurrencies. If dollars, euros, and other traditional moneys are affected by things like inflation, so should we expect cryptocurrencies to be.

Read the full MSN article here.

Check out our third annual Consumer Banking Report. This report dives into the motivations and behaviors of 26,000 consumers and uncovers the “why” behind their sentiments. What we found was surprising – and we can’t wait to share it with you:

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