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Distributed Innovation: How Advertisers Are Driving Adtech’s Next Evolution

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The Drum – by David Billings

Distributed Innovation: How Advertisers Are Driving Adtech’s Next Evolution

Are we seeing a boom in how media monetizes its efforts? As part of our Deep Dive into Digital Advertising, David Billings, head of digital media at EPAM Systems, looks under the hood of retailers’ latest adtech evolution: bold new media platforms tailored to a post-cookie world.

In the flurry of recent retail media earnings stats, one of the most eye-catching remains retail store Kroger’s 2021 announcement that its advertising business drove $150m in incremental profit – roughly 5% of total operating profit; the kind of figure that gets shareholders excited.

Retail media is big business. Looking at how Kroger achieved this exposes an even more important industry trend.

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