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What Would Be an Effective Employee Learning Strategy?

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EnterpriseTalk – by Chandni U

What Would Be an Effective Employee Learning Strategy?

Although the pandemic is on the brink of being part of history, experts expect an even greater need for omnichannel employee training. The rapid technological growth will continue to impact business strategies and create space for new conversations and technological innovations.

While enterprises embrace omnichannel remote learning, Dr. Sandra Loughlin, Head of the Learning Practice at EPAM Systems, discusses effective employee learning strategy in a podcast conducted by EnterpriseTalk.

Before getting to the main subject of the discussion, Sandra reflects on certain motivation that industry leaders imparted during the pandemic and will continue to provide. She says, “A number of employees work in countries where there are political risks and challenges on top of the health and existing social challenges. This concept of creating a safe space for learning really works to help motivate and support both employees and clients.”

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