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EPAM Systems on the Value of Communication in Public Health

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Healthcare Global – by Leila Hawkins

EPAM Systems on the Value of Communication in Public Health

While the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine programmes around the world have largely been met with excitement, hesitancy has spread as a result of disinformation.

Here George Litos, Principal of Life Sciences in Business Consulting at software developer EPAM Systems explains the how important it is to have an effective communication strategy that utilises social media when it comes to public health.

How can you create an effective communication strategy for public health messaging?

The healthcare industry depends on empathetic communication. People experience the entire spectrum of emotions, from fear and sadness to anger and confusion. A medical practitioner's bed-side-manner should inhabit all forms of communication. Proper and effective communication emphasises developing connections with patients and aims to change a consumer's behaviour rather than sell to them, empowering over persuading.

To read the full article, click here.

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