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DataOps vs. DevOps: What’s the Difference?

In the News – by Petr Travkin

DataOps vs. DevOps: What’s the Difference?

There is a mindboggling amount of data today; to even measure it requires using a byte measurement called a zettabyte, which is one sextillion bytes (that’s 21 zeros). Currently, because such a ridiculous amount of data exists, there is a growing urgency to end wasteful data processes. From this environment, DataOps was born. Similar to the way that enterprises adopted DevOps to formalize and streamline wasteful development practices in the past, today, many large organizations turn to DataOps to formalize modern data management practices.

What, Exactly, is DataOps?

Primarily, many companies are adopting these principles because they are either trying to avoid or rectify data debt, which is the amount of money required to fix data problems due to the mismanagement of data processes. Data debt is a strong motivator for revamping outdated processes and policies, particularly when decision-makers and stakeholders require metrics before implementing change. Unpaid data debt can be detrimental to a business; the longer it remains unpaid, the more it costs to maintain a data landscape.

By implementing DataOps principles and data governance, an organization can effectively reduce its data debt and prevent it from growing any larger. Moreover, DataOps practices and software engineering can be used to detect inefficiencies, minimize knowledge loss and capitalize on missed opportunities related to data usage.

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