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How EPAM Systems Uses Automation to Transform Businesses

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Built In – by Shreya Desai, EPAM

How EPAM Systems Uses Automation to Transform Businesses

Forrester estimates that most organizations have automated at least 20 percent of what service desks traditionally did. For some companies, more than 80 percent of “commodity tasks,” or common and easily repeatable tasks, have been automated. Virtually every tech industry has been touched.

At travel agencies, automation might come in the form of online bookings. For the media and gaming industry, automation looks like chatbots to assist with customer service and cloud hosts to support 200 million users. In healthcare, automation tools help with diagnosis assistance and disease care.

EPAM Systems understands the value automation can have on businesses. Since 1993, the company has leveraged its software engineering expertise to assist clients around the world with business and innovation strategy, experience design, technology consulting and product development.

Today, EPAM works with clients to create specific automation tools to propel their business while staying aligned with their company brand. Manager of Intelligent Automation Business Consulting Shreya Desai said EPAM is in the midst of leveraging several tools and technologies, like robotic process automation platform UiPath and intelligent automation solutions platform WorkFusion, to engineer these products.

For clients in need of digital transformation, EPAM’s SolutionsHub is a one-stop shop for software solutions that solve common business challenges with intelligent automation. Specific tools like EPAM Pling, a voice-activated API-driven solution that lets customer do their banking conversationally, and Just Click, an add-on that increases business users’ activity in Salesforce, are aimed at IT professionals looking to upgrade their businesses. 

“At EPAM, we look holistically at intelligent automation, pulling in different technologies and solutions—like robotic process automation, machine learning, APIs and natural language processing—that best fit our clients’ needs,” Desai said. 

How is your company leveraging automation to streamline or simplify specific tasks or areas of the business?

EPAM originated as an engineering firm. Using our engineering background as a foundation, we’ve added other capabilities like integrated business, experience and technology consulting to help our customers tackle their most complex challenges. Our business consulting practice works with our customers to identify opportunities for intelligent automation based on their business goals.

Through our end-to-end expertise, we review the current process that’s ideal for automation, re-engineer the process, determine the benefit case and then deliver the optimal solution to the customer. We bring in the right people at different stages of the process through hybrid teams to provide our customers with the right resources to ensure successful automation.

We leverage several different tools and technologies to build, engineer and optimize automation solutions for our customers.” 

What tools or technologies have you implemented to drive automation in your business?

As the software engineering expert behind some of the world’s intelligent automation platforms, we leverage several different tools and technologies to build, engineer and optimize automation solutions for our customers.

At EPAM, we look holistically at intelligent automation, pulling in different technologies and solutions — like robotic process automation, machine learning, APIs and natural language processing — that best fit our clients’ needs. Additionally, we have strong partnerships with many leading automation tools and vendors, including UiPath, WorkFusion, Blue Prism and Pegasystems.  

The original article can be found here.